My name is Michael Kronsteiner, I was born on 6th September 1993 in Steyr, Upper Austria. I am married since 2018 and I am already looking forward to have beautiful children. Currently I am working as a Process-, Project- and Applicationmanager and besides I am finishing my Master "Webscience" at the JKU in Linz. Since I was a young boy, I always feel very connected to and interested in Energetics or the "Magic beyond Life" - So I always have been feeling this calling for developing, intensifying and studying energetical science. My aim is to give people with similar passions and interests, but also all others a certain sense and openess for Energetics. I wish for a great awakening and rising of our collective consciousness as 1 human-being-family to be able to create a new & universal system based on love, light & spirituality. - May it be.