General Public Courses – Feng Shui of the Present Time
General Public Courses
Discover, Know and Practice the principles of the New Feng Shui of the Present
Time of D.Didier, to be applicable in your home and workplace.
Bring well being to your Home and Workplace understanding the principles of Telurology and Helionym of the Habitat. Learn the theory and apply the methodology.
2 Modules of 10 Lessons ( 1 hour per lesson).
Feng Shui Home
10 theoretical and practical lessons to learn about
the origins of Feng Shui, the new Feng Shui of the
Present Time, understanding the principles,
Discovering the 2 sciences in which it is based on,
the Cycle of the Elements, The archetypes and how
to apply its methodology in your Home and Workplace.
Feng Shui Rites
10 practical lessons with Feng Shui Rites.
Discover each Element and Archetype of the
new Feng Shui of the Present Time. By practicing
each rite you will feel the energies of the
Element and its correspondence Archetype.
Module: Feng Shui Home
10 theoretical and practical lessons to learn about the origins of Feng Shui, the new Feng Shui of the Present Time, understanding the principles, Discovering the 2 sciences in which it is based on, the Cycle of the Elements, The archetypes and how to apply its methodology in your Home and Workplace…
What is included in this module?
One theoretical workshop to learn about the origins of Feng Shui, its principles, the 5 elements and 5 archetypes of the energies descent.
Feng Shui Of the present time
One theoretical workshop to learn about the new Feng Shui of the Present Time, What it is?, its Novelty? How it works? Fundaments.
Cycle of the rising elements
One theoretical and practical workshop to learn about the cycle of the Rising Elements, the six Symbolical Animals of the Rising and the Forces of the Nature.
Animals of the rising
Knowing the codes of the archetypes, the colors, shapes, objects you can use to harmonize each room of your home or workplace
Energetic theories
One theoretical and practical workshop to learn about the energetic theories to understand the fundaments of Feng Shui of the Present Time.
Mental void
One experiential and practical workshop to learn the state of mental void, necessary to apply Feng Shui in a right position of consciousness.
Intro to Tellurology
A theoretical workshop to learn about one of the science in which Feng Shui of the Present Time is based on.
Intro to Helionym
A theoretical workshop to learn about one of the science in which Feng Shui of the Present Time is based on.
Applications of Helyonim
Practicing the Helyonim of the Habitat in your terrain, outdoor or terrace.
Codes of the Archetypes
Knowing the codes of the archetypes, the colors, shapes, objects you can use to harmonize each room of your home or workplace
Module: Feng Shui Rites
10 practical lessons with Feng Shui Rites.
Discover each Element and Archetype of the new Feng Shui of the Present Time. By practicing each rite you will feel the energies of the Element and its correspondence Archetype.
What is included in this module?
Feng Shui Of the present time
One theoretical workshop to learn about the new Feng Shui of the Present Time, What it is?, its Novelty? How it works? Fundaments.
Cycle of the rising elements
One theoretical and practical workshop to learn about the cycle of the Rising Elements, the six Symbolical Animals of the Rising and the Forces of the Nature.
Animals of the rising
Knowing the codes of the archetypes, the colors, shapes, objects you can use to harmonize each room of your home or workplace
Mental void
One experiential and practical workshop to learn the state of mental void, necessary to apply Feng Shui in a right position of consciousness.
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Fire and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D.Didier
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Air-Metal and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D.Didier
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Water and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D.Didier
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Fire and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D.Didier
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Air-Metal and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D. Didier
Experience and activate the energy of the Element Water and its related symbolical animal through out 5 practical workshops according to the book 30 Feng Shui Rites by D.Didier