Practice of Energetic Sciences Dubai – Module 1- with Jean and Pascale
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Mercia Academy invites you to participate in Module 1: How Energy Influences Your Lives by D. Didier.
In this you will:
KNOW the fundamental basis of energy.
DISCOVER the Weft, the 6th element, invisible to our eyes but truly existential from before and after the birth of the universe.
UNDERSTAND consciousness, a universal energy.
The benefits of this course include:
- Understand the universe and the energies that flow through it.
- Understand and feel the Weft, the 6th element as well as personal, social, family, and collective Weft.
Practical exercises will allow you to achieve a desired goal. You will be able to benefit directly from it, having a more conscious and harmonious life with your environment.
Online practice with zoom of each of the five sessions.
It is recommended to watch the corresponding videos before each class.